"WASHINGTON – Despite campaign promises to take a machete to lawmakers' pet projects, President Barack Obama is quietly caving to funding nearly 8,000 of them this year, drawing a stern rebuke Monday from his Republican challenger in last fall's election.
Arizona Sen. John McCain said it is "insulting to the American people" for Obama's budget director to indicate over the weekend that the president will sign a $410 billion spending bill with what Republicans critics say is nearly $5.5 billion in so-called "earmark" projects.
"So much for the promise of change," McCain said in this year's version of what has become his annual tirade against pork-barrel spending."
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Please keep it clean. If you are a liberal, please try and restrain yourself from using the fear, racism, and other Chicago-style tactics currently in use to advance your unholy cause. Better yet, browse on over to monster.com and get a job - it's not possible for everyone to be on welfare.