"earth's current temperature is no higher now (and maybe just a tad less, in fact) than it was during the peak warmth of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), when (just as at the "beginning of the end" of the LIA) there was over 100 ppm less CO2 in the air than there is today. Consequently, since the great MWP-to-LIA cooling occurred without any significant change in the atmosphere's CO2 concentration, just the opposite could occur just as easily, and the planet could warm, and by an equal amount -- just as it actually did over the past three centuries -- all without any help from an increase in the atmosphere's CO2 content, which remained essentially constant for the first 1850 years of the 2000-year record depicted in the figure above, and which did not begin to really take off until just the last few decades of the 20th century, which brief period of correlation is simply too short to use as justification for claiming that the late 20th-century CO2 increase was responsible for the late 20th-century warming of the globe, and especially since that warming actually ceased at the end of the 20th century, even though the atmosphere's CO2 content has subsequently continued to climb at an unprecedented rate and to ever greater heights."
"All evidence?" I think you know the majority of real science proves otherwise. Your "scientific" sources also believe the world was created 4000 years ago in 6 days.
ReplyDeleteCheck these pictures out and tell me that the world is not getting warmer:
Ha! I bring science, he brings pictures. Typical of sensationalist media coverage that claim only pictures hold the real truth. Is this a summer picture or winter picture - you do know that temperatures at each pole vary wildly with the seasons?
ReplyDeleteEnvironmentalists are losing ground, which is why it is called Climate Change instead of AL Gore's favorite Global Warming. A decade ago we were going though another Ice Age, 2 decades ago it was Acid Rain. There is no doubt we should be more responsible but the "end of the world" the environmentalist are spouting is over-blown. Everything is cyclical… in 10 years we will be talking about the ice age again. While I am talking about cyclical events, the economy too is cyclical. The market will rebound, it always does but pushing a socialist agenda will prevent the “natural” flow of the market.